The afternoon sun and lack of wind made it a perfect bubble day. Logan spent his time blowing bubbles, watching them float, and then chasing/catching them before the inevitable pop.
This summer we are growing green beans, cherry tomatoes, and basil in pots on the deck to supplement our CSA delivery each week. The boys have had a lot of fun planting the seeds, watering the sprouts, watching daily for growth, watering the plants, checking for ripeness, and oh, did I mention, watering? We have been nibbling at the tomatoes (red and green) for weeks, but finally the day arrived when this mama said we could pick some beans for dinner. Owen ran over and said, "I do it!" and did a very fine job filling his bowl. Thanks, sweetie, they are delicious!
Logan is playing soccer again this year and loves it. Most of our games and practices are two blocks away so we can take the secret trail through the woods and walk. Here are some photos from Tuesday night's game.
Logan could hardly wait for what he called "the reveal". After rinsing excess dye in the utility sink, anticipation ran high as we removed the rubber bands to see the results of our work.
Can you really call it summer without fresh squeezed lemonade? Tracy and the boys whipped up a pitcher one hot afternoon. Logan put it through a meticulous batch of taste tests to ensure the perfect ratio of sweet versus tart.
One of our favorite playgrounds is adjacent to the Bayfield marina. We usually end up eating a meal here and playing for as long as possible. One of the highlights is a climbing apparatus affectionately known as the tire monster. This year Logan easily climbed the monster all by himself.
This beautiful beach was within walking distance of our campsite and we spent much of our time here wading in the water, writing in the sand, and building castles.
Last tuesday night our zoo had its annual Member Appreciation Day (MAD) Safari. Open to members only, there is food available, live music, and special treats for the animals.
We ate our ice cream next to Lady Amherst's Pheasant.
The lions received a gazelle shaped toy which they quickly devoured.
Berlin the polar bear enjoyed two large fish.
The whole family took a ride on the solar-powered zoo train.
A cooldown of the watery sort was in order yesterday afternoon with temps in the 90s. Judging from the photos, I think they may have enjoyed themselves.
Some of our best days are spent outdoors, each of us feeling and creating with our fingers, using our chosen media. Watching my kids play (cooperatively, of course) in the sand today relaxes me and reminds me that sometimes straying from the day's original agenda makes for an even better day.