This year we built a village of smaller houses as opposed to one large one. Logan trimmed the edges, Mom and Dad "glued" the walls together, and both boys decorated two houses each.
Logan and Owen have been drawing a lot lately on the new doodles. Once a subject is selected both boys then draw their interpretation. Today's artwork features dogs.
22 inches of white frozen fun! The snow started on Thursday and didn't really let up until Saturday so the boys spent a lot of time outside enjoying the winter wonderland.
Can't celebrate the holidays without some homemade cookies. Tracy and the boys prepared the dough, cut out the shapes, and did the baking. Dad came home and got to help apply the frosting and toppings.
You don't have to look very far to see our holiday plans in action around here: painting, gluing, felting, weaving, and planting are among the activities as both boys get in on the merry making. The creativity and love that goes into each handmade gift is priceless.
The number of MagnaDoodles in our house now exceeds the number of people. We celebrated our family Christmas early and Owen was delighted to get his own full-size model. Perfect for drawing and spelling one's name.
Let me introduce you to mrs. pink. She's simple, yet so much fun. She has come to live with us along with mr. blue, ms. green eyes, and dr. green. If you haven't checked out Peeper Puppets yet, click on over now. The video brings a smile every time.
Logan peformed in the holiday concert at his school today and did a wonderful job. The second-graders sang three selections and he was picked to be in a small group in front for the first song.
Christmas A Come - Jamaican Folk Song
Hag Shavuot - Traditional Israeli Holiday Song
Over the River and Through the Woods - American Folk Melody/Lyrics by Lydia Maria Childs
Although we intended to go to a tree farm and cut our own, the arctic weather changed our plans. A quick trip to Gordy's provided a beautiful pre-cut tree that couldn't have been more perfect. The boys helped adjust the stand, test the lights, and could barely wait to unwrap the ornaments and start decorating.
This afternoon the whole family attended a production of the Three Musketeers at the Duluth Playhouse. The boys loved all of the swashbuckling, Rochefort and his eye patch, and were surprised when D'Artagnan swung off the balcony on a rope. Every time Cardinal Richelieu appeared, Owen whispered to me, "Ooh, the Cardinal!" The rest of the day was spent in a massive, over-the-top swordfight worthy of the time capsule.
Be on the lookout for this man. He is armed and extremely dangerous.
He has been known to associate with this man, who is equally armed and dangerous.