Saturday, July 19, 2008

rocky mountain critters

Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! Actually we didn't see any of those animals but we did see: elk, deer, prairie dogs, marmots, pika, bats, squirrels, chipmunks, trout, pelicans, magpies, osprey, a fox, and countless others I'm probably forgetting.

This elk visited the deck at our condo. If you go to Estes Park, you are guaranteed to see elk. Large populations live in and around the Rocky Mountain National Park and can be seen wandering through town on a daily basis.


A squirrel eating pine cones at Bear lake.

squirrel at bear lake

The trout were spawning at Bear Lake.

trout in bear lake

A chipmunk looking for handouts at Sprague Lake.

sprague lake chipmuck, rmnp

A family of ducks at Sprague Lake.

ducks at sprague lake, rmnp

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