Saturday, March 14, 2009

school carnival

Logan had his school carnival last night and the place was packed. The whole family was able to attend the fun and games. Afterwards, I dropped Tracy and the kids off at home and went back to assist with the cleanup.

Owen tries the ring toss game.

Logan tackles the inflatable Spider-Man obstacle course.

No carnival is complete without a bouncy tent.

Owen tries his luck at the lollipop tree.

Time for the dentist already?

logans new teeth

The evening ended at the sno cone machine.

snow cones

1 comment:

Alevin and Company said...

What a fun carnival! I love the lollipop tree-for some reason it reminds me of the old Family Feud, where someone would pick a lollipop and if the end was colored, they would win $100 or something. Candy AND cash?! Wow!